LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA Public Alerts

  • More details about public alerts are provided in the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA Alerts User Guide.
  • Retractions are marked in red. Retraction means that the candidate was manually vetted and is no longer considered a candidate of interest.
  • Less-significant events are marked in grey, and are not manually vetted. Consult the LVK Alerts User Guide for more information on significance in ER16.
  • Less-significant events are not shown by default. Press "Show All Public Events" to show significant and less-significant events.

ER16 Significant Detection Candidates: 1 (1 Total - 0 Retracted)

ER16 Low Significance Detection Candidates: 0 (Total)

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Event ID Possible Source (Probability) Significant UTC GCN Location FAR Comments GPS
S240406b Yes 1396420145.90April 6, 2024
06:28:47 UTC
GCN Circular Query
Notices | VOE
No public skymap image found. 0.000000037596610000001.1865 per year 1396420145.90